A Look at 2024's Faith & Justice Summit

The 2024 TN Faith & Justice Summit was a full day of  networking, panel discussions, sharing of best practices, and the discovery of actionable steps individuals and groups could take back to their communities!
A big thanks to all of those that were able to come out and participate at the event! And a special thank you to all of the presenters and speakers from across the state that took the time to share and discuss their work and expertise with a network of individuals that strive to help their communities.
Find some of the amazing work and expertise shared at the 2024 TN Faith & Justice Summit below!
The TN Faith & Justice Summit is a unique collaboration hearing from members of the Tennessee Supreme Court, the Access to Justice Commission, and The Governor's Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives.
+ Justice Jeffrey Bivins: The Tennessee Supreme Court and Access to Justice
+ Joy Radice: Chair of the Access to Justice Commission and UT Knoxville Law Professor
+ Monty Burks: Deputy Director of the Governor's Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives
But that's not all - we also had shared experiences and got to hear from:
+ Jaqueline Dixon: Attorney at Law | Lewis Thomason, P.C.
+ Amber Floyd: Vice Chair of the Access to Justice Commission and General Counsel at The Memphis-Shelby County Airport Authority
+ Anne-Louise Wirthlin: Director of Access to Justice
+ Aimee Pruitt: Executive Legal Assistant with Free Hearts Organization
+ Andy Cole: Pro Bono Coordinator West Tennessee Legal Services
+ Arsania Wright: Faith Based Coordinator Shelby County
+ Ginger Wells: Lifeline Coordinator Lawrence County Coalition
+ Mary Frances Devoe: Pro Bono Project Attorney Legal Aid of East Tennessee
+ Nick Gau: Equal Justice Works Disaster Resilience Fellow with Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services
+ Nikki Green: Hybrid Coordinator Lifeline Peer Project
+ Tim Hughes: Help4TN Program Manager Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services
Going Through the Justice System

Our shared experiences panel was a chance at this year's Summit to hear from individuals who have gone through the justice system. And to learn how these same individuals are now working tirelessly with communities across the state of Tennessee to help communities and community members work through that same justice system and come out strong on the other side. It also gave participants a chance to ask questions and learn how they could partner with these individuals, their organizations, or other organizations to bring assistance and resources to their community.

Partnering on Justice & Re-Entry

A panel on partnering in communities on justice & re-entry. We heard from attorneys and community organization leaders about how important it is to come together through multiple touchpoints and participants to really make an impact in communities. While attorneys can bring in the legalese, community partners can take an event or program to the next level by helping ensure the word gets out and helping engage local leaders and local community members. Summit participants got to hear and ask about best practices that lead to impactful events with great turnout.

What to Attend in the Future?

Want to attend a future Summit?

  • Email us with your contact information so that we can share updates about future TN Faith & Justice Summits!
  • Follow us below to get updates on ATJ, the TN Justice Bus, and upcoming TN Faith & Justice Summits.