Child Support
Children have the right to be financially supported by both parents.
Department of Human Services
Each state has a child support program to help collect child support. In Tennessee, the Department of Human Services (DHS) is in charge of the child support program. DHS helps parents and legal guardians get financial and medical support for their child/ren.
DHS can also help you:
- Get a new child support order,
- Change a child support order you have now,
- Enforce that order,
- Establish paternity, and
- Find a missing parent.
The DHS website has lots of information and tools:
- A calculator to find out how much support you should pay or are owed.
- A Child Support Worksheet that you can download. The Worksheet makes it easy to calculate the child support amount.
- Child Support Rules
- How to Apply for Child Support Services
- Child Support Handbook
- How to pay child support online
- How to apply for a child support debit card
- Applications and other child support forms

Child support resources (other than DHS):
- Important Things to Know about Child Support, by Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee and the Cumberlands
- Family and Divorce Law, by the Memphis Bar Association
- Forms and information about famliy law, by Southeast Tennessee Legal Services

Important! Court employees are not allowed to make referrals to lawyers, do legal research, or give legal advice.