Access to Justice Commission
Structure of the Access to Justice Commission
The Court created the Access to Justice Commission in April 2009. The Commission is made up of ten members. They volunteer their time to help improve access to justice in Tennessee. The Court appoints Commissioners to serve staggered three-year terms. Each member may only serve for two consecutive terms.
The Commission creates a strategic plan every two-to-four years to set out is priorities and objectives. The Court directed the Commission to include how it will educate the public about the legal needs crisis, identify priorities for improving access to justice, and recommend projects and programs to enhance access to justice.
The Commissioners represent all three grand divisions of the state. Justice Mary L. Wagner serves as the Court’s liaison to the Commission. Currently one Commissioner is a judge, seven Commissioners are lawyers, and two are community leaders. The membership is diverse in ethnicity, gender and geographic. Each Commission member has a strong background in public service initiatives.
The Court enabled the Commission to form advisory committees to help it accomplish its goals. The Commission relies heavily on the volunteer members of its advisory committees. Currently there are four advisory committees: Pro Bono & Community Engagement, Public Awareness & Partnership, Tools & Resource Development, and Data Leadership & Steering.

Joy Radice
Nashville, TN

Amber Floyd
Memphis, TN

Monty Burks
Nashville, TN

McKenna Cox
Johnson City, TN

Judge Dwight Stokes

Junaid Odubeko
Nashville, TN

Sara Barnett
Jackson, TN

Adolpho Birch, III
Nashville, TN

Lindsay Theobold
Union City, TN

Kendra Mansur
Knoxville, TN

Justice Mary L. Wagner
serves as the Supreme Court Liaison.
You can find more information on the ATJ Commission on the Administrative Office of the Courts website or by contacting staff at or (615) 741-2687.
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